Book „Die Illusion der Unbesiegbarkeit“ von Andreas Krebs und Paul Williams Telefon Ort E-Mail Navigation aufklappen Navigation schließen Zurück Vor XING Buch kaufen Leseprobe Podcast Andenkreuz:
The Book „The Illusion of Invincibility“

The Illusion Of Invincibility in the media – A Selection

The book was listed in the “ManagerMagazine” Best Sellers List two months after publication.

Managers in the Ego Trap – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)

“Andreas Krebs and his ex-Bayer colleague Paul Williams have produced a cautionary guide for managers. One of the key topics: Every long-term success carries with it the seeds of its own destruction, as the key players become blinded by their success. The authors describe clearly the psychological traps behind this, but do this with a disarming charm using entertaining anecdotes and concrete examples from daily business life. This is a book not just for managers but for anyone interested in business and organizations.

Wie man sechs Jahre lang bezahlten Urlaub machen kann

Click here to go to the original article (german language)

„Manager ticken oft wie die alten Inka“

Click here to go to the original article (german language)

COVID-19 – What leaders can learn from the Incas

Article by Paul Williams on „Thinking the Unthinkable“

Was Manager von der 500 Jahre alten Inka-Kultur lernen können

Click here to go to the original article (german language)

So wird ein Ego-Boss zum Chef-Versteher

Click here to go to the original article (german language)

Vor dem Absturz kommt die Unbesiegbarkeit

Click here to go to the original article (german language)


Book of the Week – Berlin Morning Post

“Inspiring! Page after well-filled page, knowledgeable, detailed, entertaining and inspiring. The book is easy to read, has clearly been extremely well researched and written with a genuine passion for the subject.  The experiences of the authors as both managers and consultants, the valuable inputs from the interview partners and the multitude of real-life examples make this book a treasure trove for practitioners.”

“A truly fascinating book in more ways than one. Insights and impulses that encourage the reader to reflect, written in an entertaining and captivating style and of real benefit for managers and leaders.  And had the Incas been able to read the book then maybe their story would have turned out somewhat differently.”

The illusion of invincibility

“A book for everyone who leads people and organisations. Well-chosen and very practical support for all our business women looking to successfully develop their activities still further.”

Read the original article (german language)

“The two experienced businessmen and entrepreneurs Andreas Krebs and Paul Williams take a glimpse behind the facade of success and systematically expose the factors that can lead to the downfall of an organization. They provide inside stories, use an appropriate dose of black humor and invite the opinions of a broad selection of top managers.”

The Economy

“The very special thing about this book is the extremely readible and entertaining way it has been written. Although the authors are clearly intending to address business people, it is pleasant and easy for  the reader to remain engaged and interested throughout the book. They achieve this through a combination of the attractive writing style, the multiple examples of both good and bad business decisions and the inclusion of extracts from interviews with a number of top managers, who talk not only about their successes but also about their failures.”

Further press coverage regarding our book you can find on our german language version of our website.