Book „Die Illusion der Unbesiegbarkeit“ von Andreas Krebs und Paul Williams Telefon Ort E-Mail Navigation aufklappen Navigation schließen Zurück Vor XING Buch kaufen Leseprobe Podcast Andenkreuz:
Das Buch „Die Illusion der Unbesiegbarkeit“

The “Making of” Tour to Peru

Peru is a wonderful travel destination!

We carried out intensive research on site and were able to exchange ideas and thoughts about our project with some outstanding personalities of modern Peru and Inca experts. Many people opened their doors for us, let us look behind the scenes and gave us valuable insights and advice.

If you are interested in a 'Making Of'- trip about the book, please contact us. In 2023/2024 we are already fully booked, but we would be happy to check additional travel options on request.

Our travel concept

  • You will get to know the most important locations around the book
  • We open doors into both historical and modern Peru
  • We accompany you, together with an experienced guide, for a week through Cusco, Machu Picchu and the sacred valleys of the Incas.
  • You have complete access to us as authors and discussion partners
  • On request, we can also offer a half to full-day workshop on the contents of the book, on site.
  • On request we offer a culinary excursion and/or a cooking experience for all participants or accompanying persons. In recent years, Peru has emerged as one of the leading countries in culinary terms and the cuisine alone is worth a trip. Three out of the “Top 50 Restaurants in the World” are located in Peru.

The most important facts about the trip:

International Travel
To Cusco via Lima (own arrangements)
You will be picked up at the airport in Cusco and taken directly to your hotel Belmond Monasterio (  or Hotel Palacio Nazarenas (
6 days/5 overnight stays, alternatively 5 days, 4 overnight stays
All transfers, hotels, local guides, meals, and drinks with meals are included
On request
2023/2024 no longer available, additional travel dates available on request

Impressions from our Peru Trips (Photos)