Book „Die Illusion der Unbesiegbarkeit“ von Andreas Krebs und Paul Williams Telefon Ort E-Mail Navigation aufklappen Navigation schließen Zurück Vor XING Buch kaufen Leseprobe Podcast Andenkreuz:
Vorträge und Workshops von Andreas Krebs und Paul Williams

Keynote Speaking

We work with you and your team on delivering tailor-made input on a variety of the key topics in organizational leadership and management. Here is a selection of topics and areas of focus:

  • Globalization and Leadership
  • About the Book: The Illusion of Invincibility – Can There Be a Rise Without a Fall?
  • Chairman 4.0 - Leadership in the Digital World
  • Values-based Leadership
  • How CEO’s get hired, why CEO’s get fired
  • Entrepreneurship
30 – 120 minutes
On request

Andreas Krebs speaking at a National Sales Conference in front of around 400 people:

Vorträge und Workshops von Andreas Krebs und Paul Williams